Collection: 2011 Holiday Muppets Collection
Colour: Warm Copper with multi-coloured micro shimmer
Coats: 2
Pros: First of all I love this name! It is definitely aptly named as the colour looks like The Muppets’ Fozzie Bear and it has warm undertones and fun multi-coloured shimmer. I’ve had a similar copper colour from another nail polish brand (don’t worry this was a long time ago so I didn’t cheat on OPI), and I found it dull and boring. Warm and Fozzie on the other hand is multidimensional and GREAT for autumn.
Cons: Again with the Muppets Collection being a bit gloopy and long to dry but what do you expect from a polish that gives full coverage and shimmer.
Similar Shades: “Pros and Bronze” from the Serena duos is a lighter shimmery bronze and "DS Illuminate" is a sparkly copper that doesn’t shimmer as much.
Colours provided by OPI
This is my favourite from the Muppets Collection so far! Such a great fall colour!